
If “Iceland” just described the process? Get ready for an #IceAGE in the United States… (Potpourri)

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Understanding the root of the problems We all face (through-out this Nation & World) is the key to solving simple issues that have plagued mankind for ages.

We must continue to seek truth in order to determine the best path for all of humanity.

If we continue to ignore an elite few that are engaged in on-going greed, fraud & corruption within government and between crony (corrupt) associations mankind will never be free from the shackles of physical or economic servitude.

The key to solving any problem starts with addressing the root cause of that problem and stop being distracted by the harmful side affects. Once the main cause is addressed the side affects can eventually be solved.
In order to #SaveHUMANITY we must #STOPdcFRAUD.

#OAS is a global movement of the people, by the people and for the people who want the best for all of humanity (regardless of outward appearance, gender or personal preference). It all comes down to the Golden Rule, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Those that do not follow or understand this basic rule of humanity are likely complicit in economic corruption or a useful idiot of varying degree.

Always remember that there are far more good people in this World then bad…


If “Iceland” just described the process?

If “Iceland” just described the process in which the country of Iceland took back control of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from a corrupt government and banking system a few years back… for those that know and haven’t been misled on that great “Egyptian” like process that actually did take place.

Many believe that it is long past time for something similar to take place in America and some are saying get ready for an #IceAGE in the United States as #ENOUGHisENOUGH and #STOPdcFRAUD is the GOAL!

To understand why “we” are here at this point in time, it is important to know the key players that…

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Are You Ready? GLAAD and A&E are Claiming to be Victims after Attempting to Defame Phil Robertson. What about ACA FRAUD?

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So begins more distraction from the crimes committed in Washington DC to delay the accountability process further as illegal occupier of the White House travels off once again on another outrageously expensive holiday at United States Tax Payer expense.

Fade Back to GLAAD and A&E Trampling on Fact, Truth & Reason to Promote an Unhealthy Agenda… Hey, is this Part of the ACA (obamacare) Implementation Process?

Corporations Thanked by GLAAD on their Website as of December 20, 2013 (LINK)

The latest spin to come out of the insane main stream media (#MSM) is that media giant A+E Networks, jointly owned by the Hearst Corporation & Disney-ABC Television Group, is that A&E as well as GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) are being harassed and threatened by the fans of Duck Dynasty.

In a post on, the story identified Fox News’ Sean Hannity as the source that provided numbers, “… on the air Thursday of Dubuc and A&E chairwoman Abbe Rave.” The story goes on to present a Twitter message written by a “Duck Dynasty” fan that reads, “Dear @AETV, congratulations, you just committed suicide.” After that quote, the author implies that GLAAD has become the victim and is now being threatened & under attack of “angry calls and emails.

The GLAAD representative goes on to state,”In the five-and-a-half years I’ve worked at GLAAD, I’ve never received so many violently angry phone calls and social media posts attacking GLAAD for us speaking out against these comments. phone calls who believe that he’s correct.” LINK

What a complete load of BS. These folks are selfish and insecure that they only see themselves as perpetual victims.

By the way, here’s what Sean Hannity is reported as saying,”A&E knows how he feels about this. Why did they put him with a GQ guy in the first place? How stupid are they? By the way, the number to — the CEO at A&E is Abbe Raven — if you wanna give her your opinion about this, or Nancy Dubuc is [phone number redacted]. The general number at A&E is [redacted].” LINK

For a more complete and accurate take on what was actually said on the Sean Hannity Fox News television show go HERE.

One question, “How much Tax Dollars went into creating GLAAD?”

boycott-AE-MSN-support-phil-roberts-6Is “He” (Phil Robertson) Right or is GLAAD Right in their Persecution of Phil Robertson?

Considering that Phil Robertson has a right to his opinion and GLAAD is actively persecuting Mr. Robertson for his beliefs, Millions Billions can agree that GLAAD is WRONG and Phil Robertson is Right.

Mr. Robertson made direct statements that are based on facts that support his beliefs (as well as a majority of others) like:

“All you have to do is look at any society where there is no Jesus. I’ll give you four: Nazis, no Jesus. Look at their record. Uh, Shintos? They started this thing in Pearl Harbor. Any Jesus among them? None. Communists? None. Islamists? Zero. That’s 80 years of ideologies that have popped up where no Jesus was allowed among those four groups. Just look at the records as far as murder goes among those four groups.”

Like it or not, everything made in the statement above, being reported as “global political history” by this LINK, is a fact that GLAAD & their ILK do not want to face as they are on the wrong side of humanity.

Maybe it was this statement, obtained from previous LINK,  by Phil that really got them GLAAD folks so darn upset:

“We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job. We just love ’em, give ’em the good news about Jesus — whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ’em out later, you see what I’m saying?”

Once again, Phil is correct by basically saying, “Who are we to judge?” Well, GLAAD and media giant A+E Networks (aka Hearst Corporation & Disney-ABC Television Group) believe they are ordained with the power to “judge” and have acted irrationally to prove a point that they continually fail make ever.

boycott-AE-MSN-support-phil-roberts-4There is NO WAR AGAINST GAYS in the United States of America.

However, both A&E and GLAAD have proved that a war with Americans, more precisely Christian Americans, that do not accept their beliefs is on-going…

As stated previously, those that follow the GLAAD mantra are generally selfish and insecure and most likely see themselves as perpetual victims.

If there is not a war on Christian Americans, why would A&E censor out, “In Jesus’ name, Amen!” from the Robertson Family dinner prayer? LINK

Is this Whole Distraction part of the ACA (obamacare) Roll Out Process?

There are serious concerns about the legality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or obamacare) that is being forced upon Americans that have yet to be answered. The primary of which has been identified on this site in ACA: Illegal Tax Fraud: How Can ACA be Fraud or An Illegal Tax Law?

And, there are many many more questions regarding the legality of ACA (obamacare) that continue to come up daily…

However, why not add another National Distraction to the list to distract everyone from the pending economic devastation that is obamacare.

In Closing… Phil Robertson was Right in Expressing his Honest & Thoughtful Views and GLAAD is Nothing More than a Group of USEFUL IDIOTS Assisting in the ACA (obamacare) Roll-Out by Providing a Main Stream Media Distraction.

Mr. Robertson made the following statement that led unfair defamation by GLAAD and economic termination by A&E (or A+E Networks, which is equally owned by the Hearst Corporation & Disney-ABC Television Group):

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.” LINK

Phil Robertson has the right to express his opinion, which also happens to be shared by the majority of Americans.

As for the Affordable Care Act, it failed Constitutional Law in it’s development and is therefore illegal.

Furthermore, check and balance between the Executive & Legislative Branches of the United States Government as intended have been circumvented which is an indication of government fraud & deception. For those reasons, this is why ACA has been labeled as being a fraud perpetrated on the American population in the form of an Illegal Tax Law.

I Will Not Comply - FB Invite Page

Psst… We Still haven’t Forgotten About Many Other Issues that Require Accountability.. like #FastAndFurious, #Benghazi, #FortHood, #IRS, #Extortion17… Get Ready for the Coming #IceAGE of Accountability America.

If “Iceland” just described the process? Get ready for an #IceAGE in the United States… (Potpourri)

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If “Iceland” just described the process?

If “Iceland” just described the process in which the country of Iceland took back control of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness from a corrupt government and banking system a few years back… for those that know and haven’t been misled on that great “Egyptian” like process that actually did take place.

Many believe that it is long past time for something similar to take place in America and some are saying get ready for an #IceAGE in the United States as #ENOUGHisENOUGH and #STOPdcFRAUD is the GOAL!

To understand why “we” are here at this point in time, it is important to know the key players that are responsible for leading this Nation into the brink of devastation. Regardless of political party affiliation, those that have been tasked to “run” this country are either failing intentional or are just completely incompetent.

The constant “game of politics” as usual is a very big part of the problem that has caused ongoing economic crisis in the United States and through-out the World as well and that is why those that are considered as being most responsible have been justifiably referred to as Obama et al.

The “buck stops” at the “top” and when the “system” is failing it requires attention.

Adjustments to correct “flaws” are as necessary as curing cancer in those that are losing the battle for life. Those adjustments should be made within the system as detailed within the United States Constitution and not through acts of civil unrest or through violence. Violence is not acceptable.

However, fraud at any level within government should never be tolerated and should be rightfully re-classified as “violence” against The People, Constitution, Nation and All of Humanity…

Failing to hold those accountable for any crimes committed is unacceptable and standing on the side-lines “hoping for change” is acceptance, an unwarranted pardon and completely unacceptable.

More background on those that are actually taking a stand, go here:

To Understand Obama, The Character, I defer to the Mr. Massie to describe the BIGGEST FRAUD to-date, OBAMA…

“There are only so many words in our lexicon that accurately describe Obama. Apostate, baneful, pernicious, mendacious, Erebusic, vengeful, liar, and Communist are among the first repeatable words that come to my mind in reference to him. But based on how he is treating American military families and the remains of their loved ones lost in service to their country goes beyond anything in my vocabulary. … His malicious malfeasance is contemptible and portrays a lack of conscience unwitnessed even in the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer and David Berkowitz.”
Mychal Massie

More background on Obama and other “DC Players” can be better understood from these additional articles and sources:

Most Everyone Agrees that Stopping FRAUD is a Necessity…

The best solution is to #STOPdcFRAUD that extends all across this planet…. but, how do you convince the overpaid fed/state/local (public “servant”) employee, short of complete system collapse, that #ENOUGHisENOUGH?

These “folks” are being paid more than the “government” entities can collect (steal) from the private sector because more and more people are being drained financially from every direction. Will the over paid and truly greedy criminals associated with Obama et al, help to save this Country, Nation & Western World or are they riding this Obama Wave of Destruction all the way of the edge of the World and into complete devastation?

The private sector is going broke and eventually there will be NO MIDDLE CLASS and NO TAX DOLLARS TO STEAL…

What happens at that point???

More bogus and illegal IRS raids to steal from The People? More bogus and illegal DHS raids to steal from The People? More bogus and illegal DEA raids to steal from The People? More bogus and illegal “law enforcement” raids to steal from The People?

Seriously, what happens next???

#AccountabilityNOW#FastandFurious #Benghazi #Extortion17 #IRS #DHS #Immigration #Gitmo #ObamaCare #BirthCertificate #NoBudget #Hate #Zimmerman #2ndAdmendment #1stAdmendment #Abortion #FortHood #NavyYardShooting …not even tip of the “iceberg” of crimes with ties to Obama et al…

Reasoning with the unreasonable is not very likely and therefore a level playing field is necessary. A playing field that only deals with facts, truth and justice (true justice not “paid for” justice).

How to level the playing field?

Eliminate Political Correctness (PC), as being political correct is far from correct or truthful. #PCisPC and there in lies the problem as Political Correctness is the language of the Political Corruption.

The Nation is awake and ready for #AccountabilityNOW as The People move to #STOPdcFRAUD at whatever cost. The People do NOT Support Any Involvement in Syria other than “keep it in your borders or you will bombed into the stone age…”

However, dealing with Syria is going to have to take a “backseat” as the crimes committed against The People, Constitution, Nation and All of Humanity can no longer be ignored. We The People put #HumanityFIRST and move to #JailOBAMAetal which is in the best interest #Truth #Justice and #Freedom for The People, and ultimately all of Humanity.

Allowing greed, fraud and corruption to go unchecked in governing, education and media agencies is a practice that must come to an end and those that have stolen, defrauded and harmed The People, Constitution, Nation and All of Humanity must be brought into check and held ACCOUNTABLE.

No more theft of The Peoples wealth for personal profit and waste. No more legislation that favors a corrupt government and further enslaves it’s people. No more restriction of rights that benefit a small percentage of “animals” with questionable ethics and complete lack of moral compass. No more political games at the psychological and physical devastation of The People and Humanity.

Want to know where to start?


Do you want to learn more about crimes committed by this Government, all 3-branches (Executive, Legislative and Judaical) here’s a good site to do some fact-finding:

Do you agree?

Most of us with the ability to reason do, but where to start first? Washington DC appears to be the home of GREEDY, CORRUPT, FRAUDS, CLOWNS and/or INCOMPETENT IDIOTS. Regardless of party affiliation – there appears to be no difference and complete absences of “representation” and absolutely NO ACCOUNTABILITY…

#JailOBAMAetal The MOST APPROPRIATE ACTION is to impeach, prosecute and imprison these questionable types for CRIMES against The People, Constitution, Nation and ALL of Humanity.

  1. “Redistribution of Wealth” is a CRIME against The People.
  2. Changing or ignoring the Bill of Rights is a CRIME against the Constitution.
  3. Inciting Civil Unrest is a CRIME against this Nation.
  4. Support of known terrorists of any sort is a CRIME against Humanity.

The evidence is there staring and everyone in the face, yet nothing seems to be happening.

303. An August 11, 2011 survey showed that 42% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. The data are a slight improvement over the 2010 results but remain at levels seen at the height of the recession which began in December 2007. Even 14% of Americans with six figure salaries belong to this group. (An Obama Scandals List).


The whole system is corrupt from financial backers to government and all through-out the “higher” education system into major media, legal and medical industries making the next step to #JailOBAMAetal even more logical and necessary.


It is purposed and accepted by many that those that fail to act within the accountability Process to hold these DANGEROUS ELEMENTS ACCOUNTABLE should be considered as ENEMIES of The People, ENEMIES of the Constitution, ENEMIES of the Nation and ENEMIES of ALL of HUMANITY.

However, Let’s face the fact that everything short of ACCOUNTABILITY is nothing but another distraction.


Those that have been PAID to represent the best interests of the People, Nation and US World Presences are NOT EXEMPT from being prosecuted for CRIMES COMMITTED – NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Unfortunately, too many of these “representatives” believe that their position is a free pass into the “cookie jar” regardless if their actions can be considered as being unethical, amoral, corrupt, criminal and/or completely incompetent.

Government has become the largest and most corrupt “Pyramid” Scam through-out all of man-kind making Bernie Madoff look like a common gumball thief or that kleptomaniac that “accidentally” steals your pins and stationary at every chance…


Accountability via checks and balances is not an “option” IT IS A MUST and when those that have been “hired” by means of funding from The People FAIL to do their job, the RESPONSIBILITY FALLS ON THE PEOPLE.

IT is way past time to clean up greedy, corrupt, criminal and/or incompetent government for causing far too much harm and bring devastation to this Nation, the World and Humanity.

If Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today, he would be leading this Nation on a march against a greedy, corrupt and criminal Governing Agencies that MUST BE BROUGHT into Check…

#AccountabilityNOW because #ENOUGHisENOUGH as it is now time to #JailOBAMAetal.